How to Grow on Twitter in [date] — The Definitive Guide to Growing Your Profile & Making Friends on Twitter

How to Grow on Twitter in [date] — The Definitive Guide to Growing Your Profile & Making Friends on Twitter

As of 2022, there are over 450 million active users on Twitter. This makes it one of the most popular social media networks. For the average user, it offers people an easy way to interact, engage, and share ideas with others. But for businesses, professionals, and influencers, Twitter is a huge opportunity to push your brand and message to the wider public.

Think about it. If you manage to get just 0.5% of the 450 million users on Twitter to listen to you, you’d still have a massive audience of 2.25 million people!

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Building a profile, growing a large following, and networking on Twitter are easier said than done. If this is something that you’ve been struggling with, today’s feature from Typefully can help! We’ll explore how to grow followers on Twitter and show you why it can be a major benefit to your brand.

Why Growing a Profile on Twitter Is Important

Having a profile with a large following on Twitter is beneficial for anyone, whether you represent a business or you’re building a personal brand. Your Twitter account will help you to reach and engage with your Twitter audience efficiently.

Once you’ve attracted the ears of your target audience, there are a number of reasons to grow followers on Twitter:

  • Build relationships with other Twitter users and your target audience
  • Gain valuable feedback from existing customers
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Share helpful resources and stories
  • Drive traffic from Twitter back to your own website

How to Grow Your Twitter Account

As we mentioned earlier, it’s not easy to gather a large following on Twitter. Remember that over 450 million users are tweeting every single day. A huge portion of that 450 million are businesses and individuals trying to talk to their target audience just like you.

As a result, you’ll need to have a clear growth strategy if you want to succeed on Twitter. So, let’s examine a few steps you can take to build your growth strategy.

1. Understand the Twitter Algorithm & Feed

This must be the first step to growing your Twitter profile. You'll lose many growth opportunities if you don’t know how the Twitter algorithm or the Twitter Feed operates.

Twitter’s content suggestion algorithm governs what people see in their feeds. It’ll create a personal profile for that person by taking into account all kinds of information, like:

  • Who the user follows
  • The type of content they regularly interact with
  • The topics they’re interested in

It’ll use these patterns to suggest new content for them to view, which will pop up on their feed.

But that’s not all. The algorithm will bring up the latest tweets and replies from the people the user follows. It’ll also prioritize tweets that the people they follow enjoy and like!

Don’t shy away from expending effort into learning. Once you’ve understood how the algorithm works and how the feed operates, you’ll be able to optimize your tweets and content so that they always pop up on people’s feeds!

2. Focus on Engagement

Engagement rate is the holy grail of professional Twitter users. Basically, it means how often people are interacting with your content (liking, retweeting, etc.)

If one of your tweets gets enough engagement, it can pop up on people’s feeds even if they aren’t following you. This is why professional Twitter users put special focus on engagement rate than any other metric.

Typefully comes with an analytic dashboard that you can use to measure the engagement rate of your tweets over time. By looking at the trends, you’ll be able to learn what kind of content resonates the most with your audience and re-adjust your content creation strategy accordingly!

3. Networking

If you start from a blank slate with zero followers, then your first step should NOT be to build a content creation plan and spend 12 hours a day thinking about the best tweet ideas to post. Tweeting too much at this stage is like shouting into a void. No one’s going to reply to you.

The first step is to make friends.

Find dozens of active Twitter users (hundreds, if possible) in your niche with a large following. Then, engage with their content as regularly as you can by replying to their posts. Even DM and chat with them, if you can! Tag them into your new tweets and get them to reply to you.

Twitter provides many tools to help you find the most popular users in a particular niche. For example, you can use the “Connect” and “Who to Follow” tabs to find users that’s in your niche or field of interest.

The following accounts are the most active and popular in the SEO and start-up fields, according to Twitter’s algorithm.

As these people and their audience interact with your content, your impressions and engagement rate will grow along with your profile. Up to a certain point, the moment you send out a Tweet, you should see at least five or ten red hearts popping up.

Keep up the momentum and consolidate all of these relationships. Then, get to the next stage.

4. Schedule Your Tweet

Picking the right time to tweet is important.

Remember, the Twitter algorithm sorts tweets by publication time and will prioritize showing your most recent tweets (or the tweets with the highest engagement) to people.

By publishing during the best times to tweet, your content will have a higher chance of being viewed by your audience. You’ll get more views and engagement rates, as a result!

According to Typefully’s data, the best time to post content for this particular account is 4PM (GMT).

And if you’re hoping to expand your audience internationally, all the better!

Schedule your tweets based on when people from different countries and geographic regions check their phones. Doing this will help expand the reach of your content beyond just your local country or time zone, boosting traffic to your Twitter profile and engagement rate.

This is the biggest reason why more than 60,000 creators choose Typefully! Our platform allows creators to edit and schedule their tweets and threads ahead of time, across different time zones. You can schedule your posts to come online at the precise time your targeted audiences are checking their Twitter!

5. Try Not to Tweet Too Regularly

This may sound counter-intuitive, but hear us out!

Return to step number two: focus on engagement. You should always strive for a higher engagement rate on your tweets. The more interactions you get, the higher the chance your tweets and profile are recommended to everyone else.

If you tweet too regularly, say, 20 tweets a day, your engagement rate will be spread extremely thin. People will only ever see 2-3 of your tweets at once (depending on whether they follow you, how recent they are, and how high the interactions are).

So, the best strategy is to make these 2-3 tweets count.

6. Favor Tweetstorms and Threads

A tweetstorm (or “Twitter thread”) is basically a string of consecutive tweets that you can use to get around the 280-character limit of Twitter and write long-form content (blogs, articles, etc.)

Even if you make several tweets within a thread, the Twitter algorithm will only consider it as a single post. So, your engagement rate can rise exponentially. Threads are a favored tool for Twitter users to reach out to more people and grow their follower-base.

This account has the right idea, and the algorithm rewarded them accordingly by putting their tweet on trending!

And writing tweetstorms can be made much easier with Typefully. You can use the editor to craft a quality tweetstorm, then schedule it for publication as soon as you’re done.

Once you’ve established a network and followers for yourself, the next step is to get your tweet trending. Contrary to popular belief, your tweets don’t need to have a thousand likes for it to trend.

The magic number is 20 to 30 likes.

Once you hit that, it’s going to reach a lot of people’s feeds.

One tweet in particular stands out from the rest in this dashboard of one Twitter account. The highlighted tweet only needs 44 likes to become a popular tweet. You can actually see the stark difference in impressions, retweets, likes, and engagement rates between that tweet and the rest in the database!

Try to find a Twitter topic that’s within your niche, then stick with it. It’ll help you find a dedicated audience who will like the content that you produce.

After that, shape your content to appeal to your audience’s tastes by using hashtags and adding photos and different video formats to your content.

Over time, you can use the data presented by the engagement rate chart to curate the types of content that your followers like, then capitalize on it.

7. Engage with Your Followers

Tweeting and networking alone aren’t enough. It’s crucial to nurture your own audience too.. They like your content enough to “subscribe” to your profile and listen to you more frequently. The least you can do is to make them feel appreciated and heard!

When someone replies to your tweets (especially when you’re first starting out and don’t have a lot of followers), try to carve out some time to respond and interact with them. Besides helping you make a new friend, that follower will have more incentive to keep listening to you and engaging with your content.

The more people you talk to and turn into active followers, the higher your engagement rate will get. And that means your content will have a higher chance of hitting the top of the trending page!

8. Build an Impressive Bio

The quality of your tweets and your publication strategies are important, sure … but when was the last time you updated your Twitter bio? Or the last time you updated your profile picture?

The profile picture, name, and bio are for two important reasons. First, it’s to let people know who they’re following. And second and most importantly, it’s to help you establish your credibility and personality.

Use an up-to-date, professional-looking profile picture, especially if you’re building a personal brand. The profile picture will help you make a good impression on your potential new follower.

Next, update your bio. Tell people exactly who you are, then give them a link to your product or brand. Afterward, you can attach something to help you stand out, like a joke or a nice quote. Your bio will help convince people to follow you. So you should show some personality and establish your credibility.

Here’s the profile of a popular Tweeter that you can model your own profile after. They use all of the principles above to excellent effect!

Overall, what we’re seeking to do in this step is to help you set up your bio so that people can’t help but follow you when they click on your profile. It’s one of the lesser-known tricks on how to grow Twitter profile.

9. Check Your Stats & Numbers

Twitter, via the Professional Home tab, gives you a dashboard where you can monitor the performance of your tweets. You’ll be able to see everything, from the number of impressions and the engagement rate to profile visits and link clicks.

All of this data is important. They show you what kind of content people are vibing with. It’ll also indicate whether your current social media strategy is working. Use that data to fine-tune your operation!

But even though Twitter has its data dashboards, they aren’t complete and lack a lot of crucial data you’ll need to succeed.

That’s where Typefully can come in!

Our tool has a comprehensive analytic toolkit that you can use to assess your tweets’ performance and check out what time your audience is most active, your profile conversion rate, and more. This is just one of the many reasons why professionals are entrusting Typefully to manage and automate their Twitter profiles.

Tweet Your Way to Success with Typefully!

And that’s all you need to know about how to grow Twitter followers!

Twitter, being one of the largest social media networks on the planet, is the perfect place for you to reach out to a dedicated, active audience. Our powerful platform allows you to easily craft and post engaging tweets and threads! Plus, our analytic dashboards can provide you with all the analytics necessary to track your performance and fine-tune your future strategy.

Ready to start?Sign up with Typefully today!